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Season 109, 1st of the Letter Month (July)
The Ninth Maiden of Are Appears

The once in a century or so Ceremony of Miare

The Hieda family, one of the traditional families of the human village, has announced the birth of the new Child of Miare.

Her name is Hieda no Akyuu. With her, there are now nine generations of the Children of Miare (Girl of Are, Boy of Are).

Just as the name "Child of Miare" says, she's the reincarnation of Hieda Are, who could remember anything after seeing or hearing it once, and this lineage has more knowledge of Gensokyo than any others in the human village for generations.

The first Child of Miare was Aichi, who began the editing of the Gensokyo Chronicles. The Child of Miare knows the methods required for reincarnation, and is reborn a century and a few decades after death.

The birth of the Child of Miare is called the Ceremony of Miare, and the Hieda family is held a festival to celebrate.

The heir of Are is born only for editing books.

Her brain is well developed but her body is weak. She's unfortunate for having a short life even amongst the short-lived humans.

In exchange, the child has the memories of every generation of the heirs of Miare at birth, and is very intellectual and more knowledgeable than any other member of the Hieda family.

The Gensokyo Chronicles is data gathered by humans.

During the era of Aichi, it was for the purpose of helping humans defeat youkai, but it lost its original purpose as Gensokyo became more and more peaceful, and is now used commonly as a way to read about interesting youkai.

Recently, it lost its original meaning completely, being opened to the public even for those that are not human.

What's more, she's the first Child of Miare after Gensokyo was closed up by the Great Boundary. I look forward to see what kind of Gensokyo Chronicles she will turn out.

(Aya Shameimaru)

*Notice for the Birth Celebration of the Child of Miare

To celebrate this happy event, the Hakurei Shrine has volunteered to hold a party. Participation is free, so it is expected there will be plenty of food prepared for the celebration...

The newspaper article released at my birth.

I included this as commemoration.

There's one thing wrong in this paper. In truth, the only memories left from the past generations are those related to the Gensokyo Chronicles.

The part about being very intellectual is true though.

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